Graduate Student Researchers
Iván Rojas Churkovic (Graduate Student Researcher)
Iván joined the Department of Earth Sciences in 2025, with an undergraduate degree in Geology and a MSc. in Geophysics from Universidad de Chile. His current research consists in a characterization of the plate interface between the Pacific and Northamerican plates along the Alaska Peninsula, by calculating Receiver Functions in land and ocean bottom stations.
Charles Hoots (Graduate Student Researcher)
Charles joined the department in 2023, with an MSc. in Geophysics from the University of New Mexico with and a BSc. in Geology and Mathematics from the University of Hawai’i Hilo. His current research is on the seismic noise properties at ocean bottom instruments for new methods on noise reduction. His background is in source physics, ambient noise, and synthetic wavefields using neural networks.
Elliona Maso (Graduate Student Researcher)
Elliona joined the Department of Earth Sciences in 2022. Her interests lie in geology and tectonics, marine and environmental geology. Her research will focus on characterizing the Vanuatu Subduction system using seismic imaging techniques, and exploring the use of SMART subsea cables in understanding and mitigating risks.
Ian Wynn (Graduate Student Researcher)
Ian joined the Department of Earth Sciences in 2022, with a Bachelors of Science degree in Geology and Mathematics from Georgia Southwestern State University. His research focuses on the use of receiver function analysis in constraining the subsurface geometries of magmatic systems in the Aleutian Island Arc. Ian is a 2024 recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Jade Wight (Graduate Student Researcher)
Jade joined the Department of Earth Sciences in 2021, with a Bachelors in Geophysics from UCLA. She completed her MS degree at UH Mānoa in Fall 2023. Her thesis focused on characterizing the magmatic storage systems under Hawaiʻi using high density nodal seismic data. She is now a Geologist at AECOM.
Undergraduate Researchers
Casey Wandasan (Undergrad Student Researcher)
Casey is an undergraduate student majoring in Earth Sciences at UH Mānoa. He is calculating and analyzing receiver functions at volcanoes in the central Aleutian island arc, and presented his work at the 2023 AGU Fall Meeting and 2024 SSA Annual Meeting. Casey graduated in Spring 2024, and now a PhD student at University of California Davis.
Sophia Hernandez (Undergrad Student Researcher)
Sophia is an undergraduate student majoring in Earth Sciences at UH Mānoa. She is analyzing noise levels at Raspberry Shake seismometers deployed in Mānoa Valley. She has received funding through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program at UH Mānoa for this work, and presented her work at the Undergraduate Research Showcase in December 2022.
Visiting Investigators
Elise Staat (Undergrad ESVI REU Student)
Elise participated in the Earth Sciences on Volcanic Islands REU this summer, 2022. Her research project focused on using InSAR and local seismic receiver functions to measure surface and subsurface deformation of Kilauea volcano. She is graduates with her Bachelors in Geology and minors in Math and Geospatial Technology from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in 2023. She is now a NASA Global GNSS Network Engineer at EarthScope.
Aude Guérin (Visiting Student Researcher)
Hi, my name is Aude Guérin, I’m a French master’s student at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. I’m also following courses at Sorbonne Université. I’m interested in marine geophysics and geology and would like to pursue a thesis related to these themes.
Madeleine Tan (Undergrad ESVI REU Student)
Madeleine joined the Department of Earth Sciences at UH Manoa for our Earth Sciences on Volcanic Islands REU program during Summer 2021. Her project was titled “Using receiver functions to image deep crustal structure beneath Okmok volcano”. She completed a B.S. at University of Michigan, in Earth and Environmental Sciences and Physics in 2022, and is now pursuing a PhD at University of Colorado Boulder.