Mt. Rainier

Mt. Rainier


13. Janiszewski, H. A., N. Bennington, J. Wight, (2024), A Seismic Nodal Deployment to Understand Magmatic Structure in the Vicinity of the Pāhala Earthquake Swarm, Seismological Research Letters, doi:

12. Janiszewski, H. A., Z. Eilon, J.B. Russell, B. Brunsvik, J.B. Gaherty, S. Mosher, W. Hawley, S. Coats, (2023), Broad-Band Ocean Bottom Seismometer Noise Properties, Geophysical Journal International, ggac450,

11. Rowe, C. A., B. M. Howe, M. Fouch, M. Angove, J. Aucan, C. R. Barnes, J. Barros, N. Bailiff, N. C. Becker, F. Carrilho, B. Fry, A. Jamelot, H. A. Janiszewski, L. S. L. Kong, S. Lentz, D. S. Luther, G., Marinaro, L. M. Matias, A. Salaree, A. Sakya, T. Theile, F. J. Tilmann, C. von-Hildebrandt-Andrade, L. Wallace, S. A. Weinstein, W. Wilcock (2022), SMART Cables Observing the Oceans and Earth, Marine Technology Society Journal, 56, 5, pp. 13-25,

10. Howe, B. M.,M. Angove, J. Aucan, C. R. Barnes, J. Barros, N. Bayliff, N. C. Becker, F. Carrilho, M. Fouch, B. Fry, A. Jamelot, H. A. Janiszewski, L. S. Kong, S. Lentz, D. S. Luther, G. Marinaro, L. M. Matias, C. A. Rowe, A. Salaree, A. E. Sakya, T. Thiele, F. Tilmann, C. von Hillebrandt-Andrade, L. Wallace, S. Weinstein, W. Wilcock (2022), SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Earth and Ocean, Mitigating Environmental Hazards, and Supporting the Blue Economy, Frontiers in Earth Science

9. Mosher, S. G., Z. Eilon, H. A. Janiszewski, P. Audet (2021), Probabilistic inversion of seafloor compliance for oceanic crustal shear velocity structure using mixture density neural networks, Geophysical Journal International

8. Portner, D. E., L. S. Wagner, H. A. Janiszewski, D. C. Roman, J. A. Power (2020), Ps-P tomography of a mid-crustal magma reservoir beneath Cleveland Volcano, Alaska, Geophysical Research Letters

7. Golden S., L. S. Wagner, B. Schleigh, D. Power, D. C. Roman, S. I. Sacks, H. A. Janiszewski (2020), Digitization of the Carnegie Analog Broadband Instruments Tape Records (1965–1996). Seismological Research Letters (PDF)

6. Janiszewski, H. A., L. S. Wagner, D. C. Roman (2020), Aseismic mid-crustal magma reservoir at Cleveland Volcano imaged through novel receiver function analyses, Scientific Reports (PDF) Carnegie Science press release; UHM press release

5. Crosbie, K. J., G. A. Abers, M. E. Mann, H. A. Janiszewski, K. C. Creager, C. Ulberg, S. Moran (2019), Shear velocity structure from ambient noise and teleseismic surface wave tomography in the Cascades around Mount St. Helens, Journal of Geophysical Research (PDF)

4. Janiszewski, H. A., J. B. Gaherty, G. A. Abers, H. Gao, Z. Eilon (2019), Amphibious surface wave phase velocity measurements of the Cascadia subduction zone, Geophysical Journal International. (PDF)

3. Till, C. B., A. Kent, G. A. Abers, H. A. Janiszewski, J. B. Gaherty, B. Pitcher, (2019) The Causes of Spatiotemporal Variations in Erupted Fluxes and Compositions Along a Volcanic Arc, Nature Communications. (PDF) ASU press release; OSU press release

2. Janiszewski, H. A., G. A. Abers, (2015) Imaging the plate interface in the Cascadia seismogenic zone: New constraints from offshore receiver functions, Seismological Research Letters. (PDF)

1. Janiszewski, H. A., G. A. Abers, Shillington, D.J., and J. A. Calkins, (2013) Crustal structure along the Aleutian island arc: New insights from receiver functions constrained by active source data, Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. (PDF)